Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Shalawat More and More.......

Prophet Muhammad SAW. The final prophet, Al Insanul Kamil (it means the perfect man in all). Prophet Muhammad has a special place in the heart of all moslem. Even not only human being but also on all Allah's creation. The universe always give him salam and shalawat. We should take shalawat as our habitual action.

But why we should pray upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW?
By praying upon the prophet Muhammad, it means :
1. We are obeying Allah SWT
2. We are doing as Allah and the angels do
3. we are blessed 10 times for every time we invoke a blessing upon the prophet.
4. We are raised 10 level higher in the hereafter
5. We are recieved 10 hasanat
6. We are forgiven of 10 sins
7. It increases the likelihood of other's dua's following to be accepted
8. The prophet Muhammad will Insha-Allah intercede on our be half on the day of resurrection
9. It counts as charity or sadaqa
10. Allah will fulfill our worldly needs

We can get all the benefit just by pray upon our Prophet Muhammad as simple as saying "Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidinaa Muhammad Wa Aali Sayyidinaa Muhammad".

More and more the benefit of praying upon Prophet Muhammad SAW. it can be a means of receiving the prophet's blessing as well as those of the angels, it can be a means of salvation from horror of the day of resurrection. By praying upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, we are protected from poverty, we are guided on the straight path, Allah blesses us, our family and belongings in whatever halal we may do, we more easily cross over siraat-the bridge all must cross succesfully on the day of truth or fall into the depth of jahannam.
By praying upon Prophet Muhammad, it increases our love for Allah's messenger drastically and that love is fundamental in Islam. Our messenger said that whoever prays on him 10 times upon waking up and 10 times before going to sleep with the ibrahimic du'a (the second half of tashahud) will be taken by the hand by the messenger himself on the day of resurrection and will be walked by the Messenger through the gates of paradise, Insha-Allah.
May Allah send His peace and Blessings on the Final Prophet and His Family and Companions and those who follow him.

اللهم صلي علي سيدنا محمد و على ال سيدنا محمد

by ZAY 

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