Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Being a Youtuber is Cool, Awesome !!!

The last few days was very pleased stalking on some youtube channels of Karim Metwaly, Adam Saleh, Slim Albaher and of course Sheikh Akbar from 3MH..... They are moslem youtuber live in NY City.

Where are you Zainab, since their first video, you just found them..
It doesn't matter when, but Alhamdulillah I found them :) . I watch their video every day, smiling, laughing, even crying ( not really cry but terharu, what is mean terharu in english ... ) :D

Some of their video I like much, so much. just like this video from Karim Metwaly Are You Famous Now. It's about saying I LOVE YOU to your parents.

It's obvious that we all love our parents, even we never say that, I never say that, but sometimes in the night I see my mom sleep and I just wanna say I love you, and always pray May Allah give me a chance to make her charmed. InsyaAllah... 

One thing make me connected with many of their video is that I am also arabian moslem, yemeni, live in Indonesia. I see the similarity of our culture, when they have a parody about culture .whaaa, it makes me laugh. But sometimes I see a little difference. Just a little :)      

They are moslem who live in NY City, the heart of America. As a minority in a "super power" country that have a phobia in Islam. I think it's a hard life. And of course it is so awesome knowing that they are a good moslem and they do things to prove that Islam is a peaceful religion.

For moslem who live in a country as a majority, it is so easy to hear adzan every five times prayer, it is easy to find mosque, it is not hard to find halal food, it is so easy to practice whatever you want. So we must say Alhamdulillah, and has to be a good even better moslem.

I appreciate you guys and other who share good things to make all live better in peace and harmony :)  
With all love........ :)